Pampasan Penyakit Kritikal

Pelan Pengganti Gaji

Assalamualaikum.. hari ni saya nak share tentang Pelan Pengganti Gaji. Pernah dengan apa itu Pelan Pengganti Gaji tak?

Pelan Pengganti Gaji ni ialah salah satu pelan takaful yang menyediakan pampasan penyakit kritikal andai kata Allah uji kita dengan sakit kritikal. Apa contoh-contoh penyakit kritikal? Antaranya ialah kanser, penyakit jantung, penyakit buah pinggang, stroke dan 43 penyakit kritikal yang lain.

Kenapa kita perlu ada pampasan penyakit kritikal?

Cuba bayangkan andai kata kita diuji dengan kanser, nauzubillah.. boleh ke kita pergi bekerja macam biasa? Waktu tu, badan kita tak sihat, berkemungkinan besar kena melalui episod kimoterapi di mana perlu banyak cuti untuk rawatan. Belum cerita pada hari kita tak sihat, yang menyebabkan kita selalu ambil MC. Jadi berkemungkinan kita perlu ambil cuti tanpa gaji pada waktu itu.

Berapa lama company akan tetap bayar gaji kita kalau kita sakit? Maksimum 6 bulan untuk cuti bergaji penuh. Selepas 6 bulan, cuti separuh gaji.. Selepas tu? Cuti tanpa gaji. Selepas tu? Berkemungkinan besar kita akan diberhentikan kerana kita tak lagi membawa faedah yang banyak kepada company. Ini adalah hakikat yang perlu kita telan walaupun pahit. Sebab ini jugalah kita kena sediakan medical card personal, tanpa bergantung harap pada medical card company semata-mata.

Berbalik kepada pampasan sakit kritikal tadi, lazimnya kita akan menyediakan 5 tahun pampasan gaji andai anda didiagnos sakit kritikal. Contoh, gaji anda RM 5K sebulan. Setahun gaji anda berjumlah RM 60K. Jadi pampasan sakit kritikal yang anda akan terima ialah RM 300K. Okay tak ada RM 300K jika anda sakit?

Sekurang-kurangnya kalau anda diberhentikan kerja atau tak mampu bekerja, ada backup kewangan RM 300K. Dan bonusnya dalam plan ni juga ada pampasan kematian dan juga pampasan hilang upaya kekal. Sp nothing to lose, protect youself now ya..

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Apa itu hibah takaful

Apa Itu Hibah Takaful?

Assalamualaikum.. saya pasti ramai yang nak tau apa itu hibah takaful? Hari ni saya nak berkongsi tentang hibah takaful.. Takaful paling penting yang setiap orang mesti ada, terutamanya mereka yang dah telah berkeluarga.

Apa itu hibah takaful? Hibah bermaksud hadiah. Dalam konteks hibah takaful, ia merupakan satu pemberian yang dibuat oleh peserta takaful secara sukarela dengan menghadiahkan faedah takaful kepada pihak ketiga.

Dalam hibah takaful, hadiah yang diberikan berbentuk tunai. Atau dengan perkataan lain, pampasan tunai akan diterima apabila pencarum takaful meninggal dunia. Sebagai contoh mudah, suami mengambil hibah takaful berjumlah RM 500 000 untuk dihadiahkan kepada isteri, apabila suami meninggal dunia. Dan duit hibah takaful ni ialah mutlak milik si isteri tanpa boleh dicabar walau di mahkamah.

Kenapa suami perlu ambil Hibah Takaful untuk isteri? Tak cukup ke wang tunai yang ditinggalkan dalam bank, KWSP dan sebagainya? Untuk makluman anda, sebaik sahaja seseorang meninggal dunia, duit di dalam akaun bank, KWSP, saham-saham, duit dalam tabung haji dan ASB semuanya akan dibekukan.

Jika isterinya tidak bekerja, apakah duit yang akan digunakan untuk duit belanja harian, belanja sekolah anak, sementara menunggu perbicaraan dan penyelesaian semua harta pusaka selesai. Duit yang dibekukan ni pun mengambil masa lama untuk dapat, paling minimum setahun, belum termasuk jika ada tuntutan dan pertikaian dari pihak waris.

Justeru itu, penting sangat untuk ketua keluarga, si suami, mengambil hibah untuk isteri sebagai “fast cash” paling cepat yang boleh digunakan untuk isteri menyara anak-anak sekiranya suami pergi dulu. Pengalaman saya duit hibah ni boleh dapat oleh keluarga si mati kurang dari tempoh 3 bulan, bahkan pernah lulus dalam masa sebulan, sekiranya waris memberi kerjasama dan dokumen yang diperlukan dengan cepat.

Antara soalan lain yang sering saya terima, hibah ni boleh dihadiahkan kepada suami atau isteri sahaja ke? Jawapannya, tidak. Ia boleh diberikan kepada sesiapa sahaja yang kita mahukan, termasuklah mak ayah, anak-anak yang berumur 18 tahun ke atas, adik-beradik atau sesiapa sahaja yang kita percaya dan mahu hadiahkan.

Oh ya suka saya nak jelaskan, Hibah Takaful ni bukan sahaja untuk pampasan kematian, tetapi juga ada pampasan hilang upaya kekal. Maksudnya begini.. jika suami ambil hibah takaful sebanyak Rm 500K, apabila suami meninggal, penama akan dapat duit hibah RM 500K tadi.

Namun sekiranya Allah takdirkan si suami mengalami accident, hingga menyebabkan lumpuh dan hilang upaya kekal, si suami ini yang akan menerima duit hibah tadi masa masih hidup lagi. Ini kerana suami dah tak mampu bekerja dan hilang keupayaan untuk mencari nafkah untuk keluarga. Jadi, boleh lah si suami menggunakan duit hibah RM 500K ini untuk meneruskan kehidupannya bersama keluarga.

Sejujurnya, hibah takaful ini bukan lagi satu kehendak atau kemewahan, tetapi satu keperluan. “Tinggalkanlah keluarga kamu dengan kesenangan, lebih baik daripada meninggalkan mereka dalam keadaan meminta-minta”. ~ hadis riwayat al-bukhari.

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Salam Perkenalan Dari Saya..

Hai Assalamualaikum.. Selamat datang ke Tujuan blog takaful ini saya wujudkan ialah untuk berkongsi cerita, info tentang takaful, dan juga perjalanan hidup saya sebagai perunding takaful.

Saya ibu kepada 5 cahaya mata, perunding takaful sepenuh masa, komited membantu ramai di luar sana mempunyai perancangan kewangan yang baik dan gembira dengan karier bisnes takaful saya. Saya telah menjalankan bisnes takaful sejak 2009 lagi, mudah-mudahan sedikit pengalaman yang ada ini, dapat berkongsi sedikit sebanyak pengalaman dan info dengan anda semua 🙂

Walaupun takaful adakalanya dirasakan kurang penting bagi sesetengah orang, namun bagi yang telah diuji dengan kehilangan, kesusahan menguruskan harta pusaka, lambatnya mendapat rawatan di hospital kerajaan dan pelbagai pengalaman lain, golongan ini tahu pentingnya mengambil takaful dalam merancang kewangan kita.

Takaful ialah sebahagian daripada perancang kewangan yang perlu ada dalam kehidupan kita. Ia bukan lagi lambang kemewahan, namun ia adalah keperluan. Untuk lebih banyak info dan pengalaman, sudi-sudikanlah membaca blog takaful saya ni ya.

Salam perkenalan dari saya untuk anda semua. Gembira dapat bertemu dengan anda walau di alam maya. Teruskan bersama saya di


7 Ways to Deal With Depression and Anxiety in College

You could not have thought that joining college will be such a game changer. After all, in high school you didn’t have to balance your academics with social life, sharing a room with total strangers, feeling free or being so far from home. College life is hard and stressful, and many students fall into depression. There are ways to deal with this. Read on to find out how you can overcome it.

Reasons Why College Students Suffer from Depression and Anxiety in College

You will feel that you have a lot on your plate. You fear that you might disappoint your parents or guardians with your performance because the tuition fees are not in any way cheap.

Other worries that can make your life even harder include making it to class on time, having to contribute to class discussions or the concern of getting a job after school;. Is this happening to you already? It doesn’t stop there. Social and peer pressure doesn’t spare you. You want to have fun, party hard, meet new people, experience new things and the list is endless.

How to Know You Are Falling Into Depression and Anxiety

With all the things you are juggling, depression and anxiety might start to kick in. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you might be depressed.

  • The world doesn’t interest you anymore.
  • You have trouble remembering simple things and focusing in class
  • Your appetite has changed.
  • You feel guilty for something you don’t know and even start experiencing suicidal thoughts.
  • You most probably lack sleep at night or remain in bed all day.
  • You don’t have to go through this silently!

How to Deal With Depression and Anxiety in College

To get through this phase of your life here are 7 ways to take control of your life in college again and deal with depression and anxiety head on:

1. Ask for Help

Okay, you are feeling gloomy and in a dark tunnel with no possibility of light at its end. You might even feel like the world has lost its color. You do not have to deal with all this alone. It is time to seek professional help. Get into psychotherapy. Do not be embarrassed to approach your school’s mental health counselor for assistance.

Talking to them about your issues will help you identify the factors to your depression symptoms and how to rise above them. You shouldn’t wait for the problem to get worse. The earlier you get started with your treatment, the better. You will even be surprised that you’re not the first student to battle depression and you will make out of it just fine.

2. Join a Support Group

Make a point of joining groups of other students who are battling with depression and anxiety. Listening to their experiences and the steps they are taking to recover might be what you need to learn to deal with your situation.

You will also need to seek the support of your family and friends. They know you better; thus regularly sharing your feelings with them shouldn’t be hard. They will listen and offer you the encouragement that you need. Having a support system goes a long way in overcoming depression.

There is strength in accepting that you have a problem and wanting to solve it is the most significant achievement. You are not perfect. Forgive yourself and treat yourself with kindness when you make mistakes.


Some Notes on Anxiety for the Actors in the Room

You could not have thought that joining college will be such a game changer. After all, in high school you didn’t have to balance your academics with social life, sharing a room with total strangers, feeling free or being so far from home. College life is hard and stressful, and many students fall into depression. There are ways to deal with this. Read on to find out how you can overcome it.

Reasons Why College Students Suffer from Depression and Anxiety in College

You will feel that you have a lot on your plate. You fear that you might disappoint your parents or guardians with your performance because the tuition fees are not in any way cheap.

Other worries that can make your life even harder include making it to class on time, having to contribute to class discussions or the concern of getting a job after school;. Is this happening to you already? It doesn’t stop there. Social and peer pressure doesn’t spare you. You want to have fun, party hard, meet new people, experience new things and the list is endless.

How to Know You Are Falling Into Depression and Anxiety

With all the things you are juggling, depression and anxiety might start to kick in. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you might be depressed.

  • The world doesn’t interest you anymore.
  • You have trouble remembering simple things and focusing in class
  • Your appetite has changed.
  • You feel guilty for something you don’t know and even start experiencing suicidal thoughts.
  • You most probably lack sleep at night or remain in bed all day.
  • You don’t have to go through this silently!

How to Deal With Depression and Anxiety in College

To get through this phase of your life here are 7 ways to take control of your life in college again and deal with depression and anxiety head on:

1. Ask for Help

Okay, you are feeling gloomy and in a dark tunnel with no possibility of light at its end. You might even feel like the world has lost its color. You do not have to deal with all this alone. It is time to seek professional help. Get into psychotherapy. Do not be embarrassed to approach your school’s mental health counselor for assistance.

Talking to them about your issues will help you identify the factors to your depression symptoms and how to rise above them. You shouldn’t wait for the problem to get worse. The earlier you get started with your treatment, the better. You will even be surprised that you’re not the first student to battle depression and you will make out of it just fine.

2. Join a Support Group

Make a point of joining groups of other students who are battling with depression and anxiety. Listening to their experiences and the steps they are taking to recover might be what you need to learn to deal with your situation.

You will also need to seek the support of your family and friends. They know you better; thus regularly sharing your feelings with them shouldn’t be hard. They will listen and offer you the encouragement that you need. Having a support system goes a long way in overcoming depression.

There is strength in accepting that you have a problem and wanting to solve it is the most significant achievement.

You are not perfect. Forgive yourself and treat yourself with kindness when you make mistakes.


15 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Joan of Arc

You could not have thought that joining college will be such a game changer. After all, in high school you didn’t have to balance your academics with social life, sharing a room with total strangers, feeling free or being so far from home. College life is hard and stressful, and many students fall into depression. There are ways to deal with this. Read on to find out how you can overcome it.

Reasons Why College Students Suffer from Depression and Anxiety in College

You will feel that you have a lot on your plate. You fear that you might disappoint your parents or guardians with your performance because the tuition fees are not in any way cheap.

Other worries that can make your life even harder include making it to class on time, having to contribute to class discussions or the concern of getting a job after school;. Is this happening to you already? It doesn’t stop there. Social and peer pressure doesn’t spare you. You want to have fun, party hard, meet new people, experience new things and the list is endless.

How to Know You Are Falling Into Depression and Anxiety

With all the things you are juggling, depression and anxiety might start to kick in. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you might be depressed.

  • The world doesn’t interest you anymore.
  • You have trouble remembering simple things and focusing in class
  • Your appetite has changed.
  • You feel guilty for something you don’t know and even start experiencing suicidal thoughts.
  • You most probably lack sleep at night or remain in bed all day.
  • You don’t have to go through this silently!

How to Deal With Depression and Anxiety in College

To get through this phase of your life here are 7 ways to take control of your life in college again and deal with depression and anxiety head on:

1. Ask for Help

Okay, you are feeling gloomy and in a dark tunnel with no possibility of light at its end. You might even feel like the world has lost its color. You do not have to deal with all this alone. It is time to seek professional help. Get into psychotherapy. Do not be embarrassed to approach your school’s mental health counselor for assistance.

Talking to them about your issues will help you identify the factors to your depression symptoms and how to rise above them. You shouldn’t wait for the problem to get worse. The earlier you get started with your treatment, the better. You will even be surprised that you’re not the first student to battle depression and you will make out of it just fine.

2. Join a Support Group

Make a point of joining groups of other students who are battling with depression and anxiety. Listening to their experiences and the steps they are taking to recover might be what you need to learn to deal with your situation.

You will also need to seek the support of your family and friends. They know you better; thus regularly sharing your feelings with them shouldn’t be hard. They will listen and offer you the encouragement that you need. Having a support system goes a long way in overcoming depression.

There is strength in accepting that you have a problem and wanting to solve it is the most significant achievement.

There is strength in accepting that you have a problem and wanting to solve it is the most significant achievement.

You are not perfect. Forgive yourself and treat yourself with kindness when you make mistakes.


On Having the Courage to Your Family to Be True to Yourself

You could not have thought that joining college will be such a game changer. After all, in high school you didn’t have to balance your academics with social life, sharing a room with total strangers, feeling free or being so far from home. College life is hard and stressful, and many students fall into depression. There are ways to deal with this. Read on to find out how you can overcome it.

Reasons Why College Students Suffer from Depression and Anxiety in College

You will feel that you have a lot on your plate. You fear that you might disappoint your parents or guardians with your performance because the tuition fees are not in any way cheap.

Other worries that can make your life even harder include making it to class on time, having to contribute to class discussions or the concern of getting a job after school;. Is this happening to you already? It doesn’t stop there. Social and peer pressure doesn’t spare you. You want to have fun, party hard, meet new people, experience new things and the list is endless.

How to Know You Are Falling Into Depression and Anxiety

With all the things you are juggling, depression and anxiety might start to kick in. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you might be depressed.

  • The world doesn’t interest you anymore.
  • You have trouble remembering simple things and focusing in class
  • Your appetite has changed.
  • You feel guilty for something you don’t know and even start experiencing suicidal thoughts.
  • You most probably lack sleep at night or remain in bed all day.
  • You don’t have to go through this silently!

How to Deal With Depression and Anxiety in College

To get through this phase of your life here are 7 ways to take control of your life in college again and deal with depression and anxiety head on:

1. Ask for Help

Okay, you are feeling gloomy and in a dark tunnel with no possibility of light at its end. You might even feel like the world has lost its color. You do not have to deal with all this alone. It is time to seek professional help. Get into psychotherapy. Do not be embarrassed to approach your school’s mental health counselor for assistance.

Talking to them about your issues will help you identify the factors to your depression symptoms and how to rise above them. You shouldn’t wait for the problem to get worse. The earlier you get started with your treatment, the better. You will even be surprised that you’re not the first student to battle depression and you will make out of it just fine.

2. Join a Support Group

Make a point of joining groups of other students who are battling with depression and anxiety. Listening to their experiences and the steps they are taking to recover might be what you need to learn to deal with your situation.

You will also need to seek the support of your family and friends. They know you better; thus regularly sharing your feelings with them shouldn’t be hard. They will listen and offer you the encouragement that you need. Having a support system goes a long way in overcoming depression.

There is strength in accepting that you have a problem and wanting to solve it is the most significant achievement.

You are not perfect. Forgive yourself and treat yourself with kindness when you make mistakes.


Distinctions Between Therapist Degrees

You could not have thought that joining college will be such a game changer. After all, in high school you didn’t have to balance your academics with social life, sharing a room with total strangers, feeling free or being so far from home. College life is hard and stressful, and many students fall into depression. There are ways to deal with this. Read on to find out how you can overcome it.

Reasons Why College Students Suffer from Depression and Anxiety in College

You will feel that you have a lot on your plate. You fear that you might disappoint your parents or guardians with your performance because the tuition fees are not in any way cheap.

Other worries that can make your life even harder include making it to class on time, having to contribute to class discussions or the concern of getting a job after school;. Is this happening to you already? It doesn’t stop there. Social and peer pressure doesn’t spare you. You want to have fun, party hard, meet new people, experience new things and the list is endless.

How to Know You Are Falling Into Depression and Anxiety

With all the things you are juggling, depression and anxiety might start to kick in. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you might be depressed.

  • The world doesn’t interest you anymore.
  • You have trouble remembering simple things and focusing in class
  • Your appetite has changed.
  • You feel guilty for something you don’t know and even start experiencing suicidal thoughts.
  • You most probably lack sleep at night or remain in bed all day.
  • You don’t have to go through this silently!

How to Deal With Depression and Anxiety in College

To get through this phase of your life here are 7 ways to take control of your life in college again and deal with depression and anxiety head on:

1. Ask for Help

Okay, you are feeling gloomy and in a dark tunnel with no possibility of light at its end. You might even feel like the world has lost its color. You do not have to deal with all this alone. It is time to seek professional help. Get into psychotherapy. Do not be embarrassed to approach your school’s mental health counselor for assistance.

Talking to them about your issues will help you identify the factors to your depression symptoms and how to rise above them. You shouldn’t wait for the problem to get worse. The earlier you get started with your treatment, the better. You will even be surprised that you’re not the first student to battle depression and you will make out of it just fine.

2. Join a Support Group

Make a point of joining groups of other students who are battling with depression and anxiety. Listening to their experiences and the steps they are taking to recover might be what you need to learn to deal with your situation.

You will also need to seek the support of your family and friends. They know you better; thus regularly sharing your feelings with them shouldn’t be hard. They will listen and offer you the encouragement that you need. Having a support system goes a long way in overcoming depression.

There is strength in accepting that you have a problem and wanting to solve it is the most significant achievement.

You are not perfect. Forgive yourself and treat yourself with kindness when you make mistakes.


10 Hard Truths To Bring More Wisdom Into Your Life

You could not have thought that joining college will be such a game changer. After all, in high school you didn’t have to balance your academics with social life, sharing a room with total strangers, feeling free or being so far from home. College life is hard and stressful, and many students fall into depression. There are ways to deal with this. Read on to find out how you can overcome it.

Reasons Why College Students Suffer from Depression and Anxiety in College

You will feel that you have a lot on your plate. You fear that you might disappoint your parents or guardians with your performance because the tuition fees are not in any way cheap.

Other worries that can make your life even harder include making it to class on time, having to contribute to class discussions or the concern of getting a job after school;. Is this happening to you already? It doesn’t stop there. Social and peer pressure doesn’t spare you. You want to have fun, party hard, meet new people, experience new things and the list is endless.

How to Know You Are Falling Into Depression and Anxiety

With all the things you are juggling, depression and anxiety might start to kick in. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you might be depressed.

  • The world doesn’t interest you anymore.
  • You have trouble remembering simple things and focusing in class
  • Your appetite has changed.
  • You feel guilty for something you don’t know and even start experiencing suicidal thoughts.
  • You most probably lack sleep at night or remain in bed all day.
  • You don’t have to go through this silently!

How to Deal With Depression and Anxiety in College

To get through this phase of your life here are 7 ways to take control of your life in college again and deal with depression and anxiety head on:

1. Ask for Help

Okay, you are feeling gloomy and in a dark tunnel with no possibility of light at its end. You might even feel like the world has lost its color. You do not have to deal with all this alone. It is time to seek professional help. Get into psychotherapy. Do not be embarrassed to approach your school’s mental health counselor for assistance.

Talking to them about your issues will help you identify the factors to your depression symptoms and how to rise above them. You shouldn’t wait for the problem to get worse. The earlier you get started with your treatment, the better. You will even be surprised that you’re not the first student to battle depression and you will make out of it just fine.

2. Join a Support Group

Make a point of joining groups of other students who are battling with depression and anxiety. Listening to their experiences and the steps they are taking to recover might be what you need to learn to deal with your situation.

You will also need to seek the support of your family and friends. They know you better; thus regularly sharing your feelings with them shouldn’t be hard. They will listen and offer you the encouragement that you need. Having a support system goes a long way in overcoming depression.

There is strength in accepting that you have a problem and wanting to solve it is the most significant achievement.

You are not perfect. Forgive yourself and treat yourself with kindness when you make mistakes.


Types of mental health professionals

You could not have thought that joining college will be such a game changer. After all, in high school you didn’t have to balance your academics with social life, sharing a room with total strangers, feeling free or being so far from home. College life is hard and stressful, and many students fall into depression. There are ways to deal with this. Read on to find out how you can overcome it.

Reasons Why College Students Suffer from Depression and Anxiety in College

You will feel that you have a lot on your plate. You fear that you might disappoint your parents or guardians with your performance because the tuition fees are not in any way cheap.

Other worries that can make your life even harder include making it to class on time, having to contribute to class discussions or the concern of getting a job after school;. Is this happening to you already? It doesn’t stop there. Social and peer pressure doesn’t spare you. You want to have fun, party hard, meet new people, experience new things and the list is endless.

How to Know You Are Falling Into Depression and Anxiety

With all the things you are juggling, depression and anxiety might start to kick in. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you might be depressed.

  • The world doesn’t interest you anymore.
  • You have trouble remembering simple things and focusing in class
  • Your appetite has changed.
  • You feel guilty for something you don’t know and even start experiencing suicidal thoughts.
  • You most probably lack sleep at night or remain in bed all day.
  • You don’t have to go through this silently!

How to Deal With Depression and Anxiety in College

To get through this phase of your life here are 7 ways to take control of your life in college again and deal with depression and anxiety head on:

1. Ask for Help

Okay, you are feeling gloomy and in a dark tunnel with no possibility of light at its end. You might even feel like the world has lost its color. You do not have to deal with all this alone. It is time to seek professional help. Get into psychotherapy. Do not be embarrassed to approach your school’s mental health counselor for assistance.

Talking to them about your issues will help you identify the factors to your depression symptoms and how to rise above them. You shouldn’t wait for the problem to get worse. The earlier you get started with your treatment, the better. You will even be surprised that you’re not the first student to battle depression and you will make out of it just fine.

2. Join a Support Group

Make a point of joining groups of other students who are battling with depression and anxiety. Listening to their experiences and the steps they are taking to recover might be what you need to learn to deal with your situation.

You will also need to seek the support of your family and friends. They know you better; thus regularly sharing your feelings with them shouldn’t be hard. They will listen and offer you the encouragement that you need. Having a support system goes a long way in overcoming depression.

There is strength in accepting that you have a problem and wanting to solve it is the most significant achievement.

You are not perfect. Forgive yourself and treat yourself with kindness when you make mistakes.